Conferences roundtables 2021
2021, In the frame of the Jean Monnet Chair in "European migration Studies", the University of Turin is glad to present the lecture - Young, Actors of Change: rethinking mobility by Giulia Marchesini of the World Bank of Marseille (FR)
2021, April 8-9, 14-15-16, 21-22, 28-29, Satellite Seminar Jean Monnet Chair European Migration Studies - COCUMINT - Consumption of Cultural goods for Migrants Integration
Campus Luigi Einaudi , Online conference
2021, March 11, 2021 | 10-12 a.m., Inauguration Jean Monnet Chair ‘European Migration Studies’
Campus Luigi Einaudi , Online conference
2021, 10th February 2021 | h. 12-13, Le parole per capire l'Europa