Country Reports - Migration in Europe 2020-21
Research project description of country report: The students have to write a very small country report with the present information: number of migrants, nationality, gender composition, share on the population and the labour force, employment rate of migrants in time series.
It should be ready before the end of the course by sending a pdf file to
1. Background information
Total population last year.
Population growth. (annual % last year)
GNP per capita last year.
Human Development Index Ranking last year. (1 = High - 188 = Low).
Unemployment rate of total population last year.
Youth unemployment last year.
Total population projection for 2050.
2. Migration stock and flows in the last 10 years.
The total number of international migrants residing in the country.
International migrant stock as a percentage of the total population.
Proportion of female migrants of the international immigrant stock.
Immigration stock by sex group, age, country of birth and reason for migration.
Immigration flows by sex group, age, country of birth and reason for migration.
Total number of emigrants who have left the country.
Total number of refugees by country of destination.
3. Migrants integration indicators
Migrats by education level.
Labor force partecipation in the last 10 years.
Employment in the last 10 years by sex group, age, country of birth and reason for migration.
Unemployment in the last 10 years by sex group, age, country of birth and reason for migration.
Social inclusion: income distribution and monetary poverty, risk of poverty.
European Destination Countries
Migration in Sweden: G. Giampaolo, G. Cicchese, L. Conforti, L. Cortese, A. Taverna, A. Borello and C. Mosso;
Migration in Germany: I. Pavone, L. Matri, Z. Wenxuan, S. Minolfi, Y. Helal and A. Dubini;
Migration in Finland: A. Tutino, A. Dell'Ava, A. De Garay, L. Vannini, S. Marotto, S. Smaniotto, S. Talò and Z. Petrenko;
Migration in Poland: C. Hibatallah, M. Cravero, A. Di Muro, G. Gelain, C. Messour, and M. Penna;
Migration in Romania: D. R. Bud, G. Di Bari, G.A. Stefanello, E. Gega, and L. Giacobbe;
Migration in Croatia: A. Diaconu, M. Schiafone, G. Bindolo, M. Bucci, L. Kentache, S. Norbiato and A. Pozzati
Migration in Spain: A. Bertolotti, G. Lucchesi, T. Riis Boe, F. Collinetti, B. Scarpino, K. Gramer and G. D'Ambra
Migration in France: E. Caudana, G. Franceschini, V. Giorgi, K. Le Paul, A. Mariotti, A. Morel, L. Sejdini, and G. Yanar;
Migration in Portugal: C. Rigo, A. Bastonero, A. Galleano, G. Garzotti, G. Melillo and L. Busola;
Migration in Italy: L. Contini, A. Coratella, L. Cicu, I. D'Aiuto, G. D'Aquila, A. Giordano, L. Kopp Isaia, and G. Liberali
Sending countries
Migration from Nigeria: F. Lazzarini, B. Lerro, E. Santosuosso, F. Brunori, D. Rachid, A. Vecchi and L. Masala;
Migration from Morocco: G. Ballarin, F. L. Del Sole, G. Gaiffi, C. Montagnani, C. Sanzi, A. Tassinari, and L. Traini;
Migration from Turkey: R. Belleri, L. Soprani, A. Ravinale, G. De Santis, M. Corni, and R. Mardanov;
Migration from Tunisia: R. Escalettes, M. Lovato, H. Makboul, F. P. Marrone, F. Perna, and C. Santaera;
Migration from Ivory Coast: M. Giampaoletti, S. Olivedoti, D. Rocca, O. Curti, A. Onyinyechi, R. Raspante, S. Duran Mazzilli, and A. Matarangolo
Migration from Egypt: B. Annese, M. Dolce, A. Feudo, G. Gervasio, S. Lizzi, M. Scoppetta, and V. Varallo.