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» Slides and material CUCOMINT 2021-2022
Slides and material CUCOMINT 2021-2022
Lecture 1 - Marinella Senatori and Giuliana Setari Carusi, 7 April, 2 PM, Sala Lauree Blu piccola
Lecture 2 - Berndt Clavier, April 8, 2PM, Sala Lauree Blu piccola
Lecture 3 - Hillel Rapoport, April 21, 2 PM, Sala Lauree Rossa piccola
Lecture 4 - Peggy Levitt and Lee Kangsan, April 22, 2 PM, Sala Lauree Rossa piccola
Lecture 5 - Amin Moghadam, April 28, 2 PM, Sala Lauree Rossa piccola
Lecture 6 - Gustavo De Santis, April 29, 2 PM, Sala Lauree Rossa piccola
Lecture 7 - Round Table Discussion on Art and Law (chaired by Raffaele Caterina), May 5, 4 PM, Sala Lauree Rossa piccola