Lesson 11 - Migrants' Assimilation in the destination country


  • Venturini A., 2017, Migrant Assimilation in the Labour Market: What is Missing in the Economic Literature, in Fargues Ph., Weiner A. (eds), Interact Project


  • G. Borjas, Labor Economics. Chapter 9. Labour Mobility

9.5 Immigrant Perfomance in the U.S. Labor Market. pp. 334-340.

9.7 Policy Application: Intergenerational Mobility of Immigrants. pp. 346-351.


For statistical information look at the following reports


  • OCSE/EU (2018), “Settling In 2018, Indicators of Immigrant Integration” (Integrarsi 2018, Indicatori sull’integrazione degli immigrati), OECD Publishing, Parigi/Unione europea, Bruxelles, https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264307216-en.